Monday, October 26


In replying the demands of 1:6 figure collectors, VERYCOOL is pleased to introduce its upgraded Female Body Version 3.0 together with a VCF-2021 female head sculpt. Two styles of rooted hair for the head sculpt are offered for selection.

With a most complete package of accessories, postures of the new shaped VERYCOOL Version 3.0 female body look more beautiful than before. Significant changes include adopting soft breasts, changing back of thighs to seamless, and further tightening the waist and hip portions. Articulations are further tightened for the convenience of increasing mobility of the body.

Environmental protection materials without smell are adopted for body production.

FX03-A (w/ Blonde Hair Head Sculpt)
FX03-B (w/ Brown Hair Head Sculpt)

Product Item Includes:

- Rooted Hair Female Head Sculpt;
- VC V3.0 1:6 Scale Female Body;
- Universal ball shaped and cone shaped head adapters (suitable for all female head sculpts available in the market);
- Hand Sets: 4 Pairs;
- Two Pairs of Foot Set (Bare Flat Feet & High-Heel Feet);
- Pair of Long Feet Connector;
- Pair of Short Feet Connector;
- Pair of Leg Heightening Connector;
- Glove-Hand Set: 3 pieces.